Disciplina Curricular

Short Form Creative Writing Workshop SFCWW

Curso Livre em FLUL - Short Form Creative Writing Workshop


Grupo: Short Form Creative Writing Workshop > Ciclo Único



6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Horas de contacto: 46 (incluindo 32 horas em sala e 14h de "visitas de campo": Programa Disquiet, Casa Fernando Pessoa, Open Mike Graça, Casa das Estórias; horas totais: 168. Horário de Formação,: Terças, Quartas e Quintas das 17 às 20hPrograma:This workshop will help students write a portfolio of poems and/or short prose pieces. What can one discover, what can one make happen on the page? In class we’ll read and discuss influential and experimental poems, creative essays, and short fiction intensely, by English and Portuguese authors (translated). You will work over the drafts of your poems and prose; write critiques of published works; study and steal the forms of poems, and the maneuvers of creative prose. You will give and receive helpful criticism of your work in a group setting, and in conferences with the workshop facilitators. Immersion in the Portuguese literary scene, in (inter)national readings will help you discuss and compare current trends, and incorporate their intercultural experience into literary forms. We’ll also deliver a reading ourselves. This workshop offers you a chance to develop the early promise and challenge of your poems and prose, and to build a longer manuscript, in the format of a work-in-progress portfolio with a framing (or parallel) poetic manifesto. Imitatio will be both a guiding methodology and a struggle. Coleridge used a long name for this: the esemplastic imagination. By this view, we don’t draw pictures on a fully blank page, or invent music from silence; rather, we draw images after looking at things, and we play tunes and lyrics based on remembered music and speech. We can learn, copy, imitate, remember, shift, combine, invent…the imaginative actions such as Jasper Johns recommends: “take an object; do something to it; then do something else to it; repeat.” So what drives much of this course is: free-write; study models; steal from them; steal from your fellow student-writers; alter the form of the model (text, received language, memory, ‘vision’) into something new. Techniques include: How to use and transform canonical poems as models for your own poems; How to deploy metaphor and imagery, song-patterns, reflection, story-telling (and its detours) in poems; learning the art and politics of formal verse; how to use source materials—news articles, paintings, testimony—in poems. How to find alternative ways of making sense(s) – metaphor and the twisting of logic, reflective writing, associative / free writing, writing with/on/from different materials.

Disciplinas Execução

2023/2024 - 2.º Semestre