06.12.2021 - Berufe, Jahreszeiten, Monate

6 Dezembro 2021, 09:30 Merle Kaupat

1. Mentimeter - Berufe (Moodle)

2. Kursbuch S. 38 Aufg. 1a,b ; 2 ; 3 ; 4

3. Informationen Abgabe Portfolio
Deadline for the complete Portfolio is 17.12.2021

The Portfolio you have to submit constist of 4 Portfolios, each of them in three Versions (1. your very first version, 2. the first corrected Version and 3. the fully and complete corrected Version)
An Example for the Form in which the Portfolio should be submitted you'll find in Moodle. The Form and the Look of the Portfolio is also part of the evaluation. I dont accept Portfolios / Documents that dont have your name in it.

Note: Your Portfolio is only complete If there are all 4 Portfolios. If its not complete, you wont get a mark for the Portfolio.
If you havent written all your Portfolios yet you have time to do so until Friday 10.12. (23:59 Uhr). I wont accept any Text after that date and hour since I also need time to correct your Portfolios and send it back to you.

Arbeitsbuch S. 101 Aufg. 3a,b
Wordwall - Jahreszeiten/Monate (Moodle)
Wordwall - Jahreszeiten (Moodle)
Wordwall - temporale Präpositionen (Moodle)