Partnerinterview Familie, Lektion 3 Uni und Freizeit

10 Novembro 2021, 08:00 Merle Kaupat

Deadline for Portfolio 1 Korrektur + Portfolio 2 --> Friday 12.11.2021
I wont accept Emails or Submissions through Moodle after Friday 23:59.

Please also only use this emailadress:

Please always send your corrections via email
The Portfolios always submit through Moodle

Partnerinterview (Worksheet in Moodle 10.11.2021)
Ask your Partner the questions and write down the answers in 3. Person Singular
Present at least 3 Informations you got from your Partner in class (try to use Possessivartikel)

Wortschatz Aktivitäten in der Universität/Freizeit
--> Mentimeter see Moodle

S. 26 Aufgabe 1

S. 92 Aufgabe 1a

beenden/finish S.92 Aufg.1a
S.92 Aufg.1b --> Translate the days of the week and also try to answer the questions in that task
we are going to speak about this task on Friday