Kurssprache / der Plural
22 Outubro 2020, 12:30 • Andrea Riedel
22 Outubro 2020, 11:00 • Nora Heitmann
S. 18/19 komplett
A1.1 Sumarios und Hausaufgaben
22 Outubro 2020, 09:30 • Maja Ensslin
as always, I send you the presentation via e-Mail so you can repeat what we did in todays class.
We have now finished with lesson 1. I now take everything we have learned in the last weeks for granted as knowledge. On pages 14 and 15 you can get an overview of what you have learned.
There are still a few open tasks that you can do for repetition and as preparation for the test. These are optional!
- S. 80, Aufgabe 1
- S. 81, Aufgabe 3
- S. 81, Aufgabe 5
- S. 82, Aufgabe 1
- S. 83
- S. 81, A. 4
- Intensivtrainer (pdf.-Dokument) Aufgaben 7 und 8
You can always check the Padlet, since I constantly upload more links and tools for you to use and see.
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende!
A1.1 Sumarios und Hausaufgaben
22 Outubro 2020, 08:00 • Maja Ensslin
as always, I send you the presentation via e-Mail so you can repeat what we did in todays class.
We have now finished with lesson 1. I now take everything we have learned in the last weeks for granted as knowledge. On pages 14 and 15 you can get an overview of what you have learned.
There are still a few open tasks that you can do for repetition and as preparation for the test. These are optional!
- S. 80, Aufgabe 1
- S. 81, Aufgabe 3
- S. 81, Aufgabe 5
- S. 82, Aufgabe 1
- S. 83
- S. 81, A. 4
- Intensivtrainer (pdf.-Dokument) Aufgaben 7 und 8
You can always check the Padlet, since I constantly upload more links and tools for you to use and see.
Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende!
Alemão A1.1
21 Outubro 2020, 15:30 • Askan Kamal Kerim Ghobeyshi
Hausaufgaben Partnerpräsentation; Wortschatzarbeit Gegenstände im Raum