Evaluation & Märchenkönig

15 Abril 2020, 12:00 Nora Heitmann

Hausaufgaben: Lesen Sie Kapitel 1 und 2 vom Märchenkönig. Beantworten Sie die Fragen:

Kapitel 1

Schreiben Sie alle Informationen zu Helmut Müller!

-        Woher kommt er, wo wohnt er, wie lange schon? Wen besucht er in München? Warum?

-        Welches Gericht ist typisch für München?

-        Wie alt ist Tante Agathe geworden?

-        Wie lange will Müller in München bleiben?

-        Was will Toni Tanta Agathe zum Geburtstag schenken?

-         Ist das Musical bekannt?

Kapitel 2

-        Was ist das Problem an dem Tag?

-         Findet der Regisseur Stefan arrogant? Warum?

-        Vertraut Bettina Stefan?

-        Wo ist Stefan? Was macht er da?

Schreiben Sie auch 5 Wörter auf Google Docs, die Sie gelernt haben (Kapitel 1 und 2)

hHer die Informationen zu der Evaluation von diesem Semester:

1) We are going to end the semester online. This includes the second test as well as the oral exams. I therefore expect every student to have a microphone and camera working, at least for the date of the exams). If you for some reason are not able to do so, please contact me directly.

2) I would like to remind you, that the date for the second (written) exam is 27. April. ​I will send you more information later on, but we will do the exam on Zoom, so please have camera/mic ready.

3) I will soon provide a list for the oral exams, where you can choose a date/time.  As last semester, you will be doing the oral exam with one colleague of yours.

4) The "avaliacao continua" is still counting. This includes your participation in our Zoom Sessions and the written tasks on Google Docs and per E-Mail.

5) The Portfolio has to be handed in (digital format) until 24. April. The portfolio should be ONE Document (pdf) which includes:

-First page  (--> with a recent photo, student number, full name)

- Index

- all portfolio texts ( first and last version. The first version has to show the corrections I suggested)

- all contributions you did on Google Docs (just do a copy paste of them, please don´t forget to put the topic/question as well so I can understand the context)

- all contributions you sent to me via e-mail

please send the portfolio to me by e-mail until 8.00 pm on the 24.04.2020

6) Evaluation

We are aware of the fact, that the tests online will not have the ideal conditions. As we luckily were able to do the first test at university, we decided to change the evaluation as following:

Test I will count 35 %

Test II will count 20 %

Oral exam will count 20 %

"Avaliacao continua" will count 25 %