3.5. Arte Paleocristã: escultura e pintura

25 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 TERESA LEONOR MAGALHÃES DO VALE

3.5. Arte Paleocristã: escultura e pintura.


ANDARLORO, Maria, BORDI, Giulia, MORGANTI, Giuseppe (coord.), Santa Maria Antiqua Tra Roma e Bizanzio, Milão, Mondadori-Electa, 2016

DELIYANNIS, Deborah Mauskopf, Ravenna in Late Antiquity, Nova Iorque, Cambridge University Press, 2010

SAS-ZALOZIECKY, Wladmir, Arte Paleocristã, Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 1971

VICCHI, Roberta, Le Basiliche Maggiori di Roma, Florença, Scala, 1999

WEBB, Matilda, The Churches and Catacombs of Early Christian Rome: a comprehensive guide, Brighton-Portland, Sussex Academic Press, 2001

WEITZMANN, Kurt (coord.), Age of Spirituality Late Antique and Early Christian Art Third to Seventh Century, Nova Iorque, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1978.