
Kick the Dog

24 Abril 2017, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Showing of two versions of Cape Fear. (1991, dir Scorcese, written Wesley Strick; 1962, dir J. Lee Thompson, written James R. Webb). Analysis of different ways that the bad character Max Cady is shown to be bad. How what we consider to be the behaviour and apearance changed so radically over thirty years, and over 26 years since the last film).

Theme and Point of View

19 Abril 2017, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of how (in a good script -- or novel etc) there is a theme, which runs with the story. Such as the way sexism makes life difficult for women in today's world in the film The Silence of the Lambs (w Ted Tally, d Jonathan Demme, novel Thomas Harris), although the story is about the FBI catching a psychotic killer with the help of a cannibal psychopath. Some people will enjoy watching psychopaths do what they do, some people will enjoy the fear and terror and some people will get the whole "message" along with the drama. But it is understated and often difficult to see at first.


17 Abril 2017, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

No class


12 Abril 2017, 10:00 David Alan Prescott



10 Abril 2017, 10:00 David Alan Prescott

Analysis of a text from the anthology about how to set up a story in the first few minutes. Comparison of setups of "Shane", (George Stevens, 1953) and "Pale Rider" (Clint Eastwood, 1985). Mentioning of fact that a similar story, with exactly the same premise and lead character's concerns (ie giving up being a killer, lured back to protect a family from some evil-doing bad elements and ultimate "disappearance" of the hero after order is restored) is contained in the 2017 "Wolverine spin-off" Logan, which actually quotes from Shane verbatim at the end and uses footage from Shane during the course of the action in the movie.