
Workshop on genre (TP6): purpose and stages

12 Novembro 2015, 16:00 Carlos Gouveia

Workshop on genre as a functional variation of texts (purpose and stages). Engage, inform and evaluate as general categories of purpose. Work with 2 text samples: analysis of purpose and stages.

Lecture 7: Critical Discourse Analysis

10 Novembro 2015, 16:00 Carlos Gouveia

Discourse, power and ideology. The importance of a critical dimension in social and discoursive analysis. The notions of power, history and ideology. Aspects of Critical Discourse Analysis.

Workshop on Register (TP5): Analysis of multimodal texts

5 Novembro 2015, 16:00 Carlos Gouveia

Analysis of seven multimodal texts. Types of interplay between words and images.

Lecture 6: Multimodality and Multimodal Discourse Analysis.

3 Novembro 2015, 16:00 Carlos Gouveia

The notion of multimodality and its importance in comunication in contemporary society. Multimodal Discourse Analyis. Aspects of the analytical description of multimodal texts.


29 Outubro 2015, 16:00 Carlos Gouveia

Written exercise in class. The exercise was implemented by Dr. Lili Cavalheiro on behalf of the lecturer, who was absent abroad.