Jenny Saville and a feminist aesthetics of disgust
19 Março 2024, 11:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
Discussion on Michelle Meagher's theory on an aesthetics of disgust.
Written Test
14 Março 2024, 11:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
First written Test
Critical theory on the abject, the grotesque and the uncanny
12 Março 2024, 11:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
- Contemporary artists' responses to the representation of the idealised body in classical paintings of the Western canon.
- Analysis of Paula Rego's Dog Woman series
Reading and reflection about John Berger's Ways of Seeing
7 Março 2024, 11:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
Critical reflection about the exhibition "Masculinities: Liberation through Photography" in light of John Berger's critical theory.
Representations of the mal and female body in contemporary art
5 Março 2024, 11:00 • Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta
- Kenneth Clark's theory on the representation of the male and the female body
- Lynda Nead’s reflections on the art/obscenity opposition and the Kantian distinction between the beautiful and the sublime in The Female Nude: Art, Obscenity and Sexuality