
4th Presentation/Discussion Final Class. Final Exam Info.

14 Dezembro 2022, 15:30 David Michael Greer

4th Presentation/Discussion

Information on the Final Exam (January 2023)

The date for the ATD final exam is as follows: Monday 9th at 3.30 pm in Room C246A.

In the final exam (90 minutes, like the lessons), you’ll have to write ONE essay. This essay will be on ONE of the 4 extracts of the plays in our coursebook we’ve worked on: one essay in two hours.

The question paper will tell you which extract you have to write on.

The question will be something like this (only an example):

Look at The extract I’ve chosen. What does the author aim to achieve in this scene? What dramatic means does he/she use to try and achieve it and how successful are they?

You can write in either English or Portuguese.

There will be no minimum or maximum number of words.

You must bring our coursebook (it can be on your phone) and you can also use online or hard copy dictionaries.

If you have any doubts, please ask.


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