Presentations (3)

2 Dezembro 2019, 12:00 Roxana Stela Ciolaneanu

Presentation 1:  South Korean Beauty vs. USA Beauty

Team members: Mariana Pereira, Tatiana Santos, Miriam Santos, Ana Vital, Guilherme Guerreiro 

Body image is a very complex human phenomenon and it is associated with the concept of itself and culture. Because the individual is socialized within a specific culture, it is inevitable for him to follow a set of attitudes from his social environment. Different cultures will have different body standards. It is extremely important for people to be aware of this so that they do not judge what they do not understand.

Presentation 2:  Representation in Cartoons/Cinematography/Anime
Team members: Ana Rita Resina Cruz, Stephanie Matos Albuquerque, Andreia de Sousa Prado, Vanessa Santos, Fernanda Brandão

Representation in Entertainment is important for minorities such as women, non-white people, the LGBTQ+ Community and others to feel like they are not entirely alienated and are truly heard in their society. Not only that, it also leads those who are not born in these circumstances to think about how there are different people who deserve equal treatment.