Presentations (5)

9 Dezembro 2019, 12:00 Roxana Stela Ciolaneanu

Presentation 1:  How stereotypes generate homophobia?

Team members: Hassna Hassou, Melanie Silva, Magda Coelho, Alice Salgado, Mariana Sá Calongo

In the past 9th December our group did a presentation related to stereotypes, more specifically, how stereotypes generate homophobia. Our main goal with this presentation was to talk about how society is reacting to the LGBT+ community being more and more out in the open and whether it is positive or not. To achieve this, we began explaining the definition of stereotypes and homophobia to introduce what these terms meant. After that we spoke about the types of stereotypes and some examples, as well as how the situation has changed throughout the years including some examples and statistics in other countries. Our generation communicates a lot on social media, and it is easier for people to talk about their sexuality and express themselves, because of this we found it interesting to include queerbating and the LGBT online community.

After introducing all this, we explained how the negative reaction towards the LGBT+ community affects our society, socially and individually. Then we presented some successful people in the LGBT+ community that came out publicly, which helped lots of people to gain the courage to do the same. Also, one of the members of our group talked about her own experience with figuring out her sexual orientation while living in a homophobic environment.

To conclude, we talked about how we, as a society, can challenge stereotypes and homophobia by giving some examples, and at the end we presented a non-profit American organization that supports human rights and helps victims of discrimination.

Presentation 2:  Mass-media as a shaper of identity
Team members: Cristina Popișter, Beatriz Névoa, Simona Matei, Maria-Casiana Tudor, Polona Podbersič 

Identity is influenced by four major factors: culture, family, friends and mass-media, with the internet as the most popular nowadays. Consequently, our identities are strongly susceptible to social media in both a positive and a negative way. Since almost everybody has another life that exists online, there is no doubt, that is affects our mental health, social interactions, our future and also our perception of beauty. The latter is often misleading because social media is providing us with fake beauty standards, created with the help of photoshop. 

In conclusion, mass-media gives us a voice to share our worldviews, opinions and beliefs. It connects us, strengthens us and is a dominant source of information. This way we can also improve our intercultural communication. On the other hand, we can be victims of social expectations and expose ourselves to many internet dangers.

We cannot deny the powerful impact it has on ourselves, but we, for sure, can decide the boundaries of it.