Aula 25

14 Dezembro 2018, 12:00 Ana Cristina Ferreira Mendes

Apresentação oral de trabalhos de investigação:  Miguel Melo (Riz Ahmed) . Revisão e sistematização de conteúdos abordados. Esclarecimento de dúvidas.

Leituras recomendadas para o segundo exercício escrito:

Benhabib , Sheila. (2002) “Introduction: On the Use and Abuse of Culture,” in The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era . Princeton, NJ: Princeton, 1-23. •Rancière, Jacques. (2009) “The Emancipated Spectator,” in The Emancipated Spectator. Trans. Gregory Elliott. London: Verso, 1-23. •entrevista de Aamir Mufti, “A Europa como ideal fascista”, Público, 9 de julho de 2017. •Jones, Shannon, and Jelena Subotic. (2011) "Fantasies of power: Performing Europeanization on the European periphery." European Journal of Cultural Studies 14.5: 542-557. •Žižek, Slavoj. (2016) “The Limits of Neighbourhood,” in Against the Double Blackmail: Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbours. London: Allen Lane, 73-82. •Jacobsson, Andreas. (2017) “Intercultural Film: Fiction Film as Audio-Visual Documents of Interculturality." Journal of Intercultural Studies 38.1: 54-69. •Butler, Judith (2004). “Violence, Mourning, Politics,” in Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence. London and New York: Verso, 19-49. •Sassen, Saskia. (2014) “Shrinking Economies, Growing Expulsions,” in Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 12-79. •hooks, bell (1992) “Eating the other:  Desire and resistance” in Black Looks: Race and Representation. Boston: South End Press, 21–39.