Etimologia das palavras no seu contexto cultural

3 Fevereiro 2021, 12:30 Zuzanna Zarebska

Etimologia das palavras no seu contexto cultural

Na aula foi lido e discutido um conto de Ali Smith's "Last". Discutimos a ideia de que as palavras são repositórios de contudo cultural e através delas podemos descodificar muitas das crenças, estereótipos e símbolos de cada cultura. Foram encontrados exemplos no texto como: last, buxom, cue etc e discutidos outro exemplos da língua inglesa e portuguesa.Os temas abordados foram: 

cultura dominante/dominant culture: "Whereas traditional societies can be characterized by a high consistency of cultural traits and customs, modern societies are often a conglomeration of different, often competing, cultures and subcultures. In such a situation of diversity, a dominant culture is one whose values, language, and ways of behaving are imposed on a subordinate culture or cultures through economic or political power. This may be achieved through legal or political suppression of other sets of values and patterns of behaviour, or by monopolizing the media of communication." 

essencialíssimo/essentialism: "(philosophy) The view that certain key concepts are distinct, autonomous entities which have an objective existence and essential properties and which are definable in terms of some kind of absolute, universal, and transhistorical ‘essence’. These concepts (such as reality , truth , meaning , facts , mind, consciousness, nature, beauty, justice, freedom) are granted an ontological status in which they exist ‘prior to’ language ( see foundationalism ; ontology ; transcendent signified ). Essentialism is a form of idealism." 

performatividade,identidade/performativity, identity:  "In critical and cultural studies , the concept of identity as enactive. Drawing on Austin’s concept of  performatives , Butler’s notion of performativity refers to gender as an ongoing and variable enactment rather than a given identity (as in gender essentialism ). ‘Identity is performatively constituted by the very “ expressions ” that are said to be its results.’ In contrast to the term performance , performativity reflects a rejection of prediscursive identity and a pre-existing subject . Gender identity is a cultural construction." 
