Preview Korean Alphabet.
29 Setembro 2021, 13:55 • Eunhee Choi
안녕하세요, 여러분.
A Noite da Cultura Coreana terá lugar no próximo dia 16 de setembro, às 19h30, na Culturgest.
10 Setembro 2021, 14:16 • Eunhee Choi
Test Date
10 Setembro 2021, 14:13 • Eunhee Choi
Midterm Test: 2nd, 11(Tues)
About Korean Class
10 Setembro 2021, 13:09 • Eunhee Choi
1. Textbook
Seoul National University Language Education Institute and others, “Seoul National University Korean Language 1A(SB)”, Seoul, Moonjinmedia, 2013.
2. Objective of this course
This course aims to teach basic expressions of Korean language to foreigners who do not speak Korean as their native language. Foreign students will develop their abilities to understand and express basic Korean language on the basis of Korean alphabet education, and will learn Korean grammar and idiomatic expressions that should be understood at the beginner level. The main contents of the curriculum are composed of everyday subjects necessary for living in Korea. To be able to connect speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises through various thematic assignments. They are also able to have enough Korean ability to communicate with Korean people.
3 . Evaluation
-Test 70%(Midterm-Listening & Reading : 30%, Final-Listening & Reading & Speaking: 40%),
-Assignment 30% (Every homework should be handed in 1 week)
4 . References
TalkToMeInKorean, “Talk to me in Korean level A”, Seoul, Longtail Books, 2015.
JoYoungmMi and others, “Simple Korean”, Seoul, Pagijong Press, 2015.
TalkToMeInKorean, “Hangeul Master”, Seoul, Longtail Books, 2014.
AhnJeanmyoung, “Korean Grammar in Use Beginning”, Seoul, Darakwon, 2012.
Easy Korean Academy, “Easy Korean for Foreigners 1”, Seoul, Language Plus, 2008.
KwonSungmi, “Essential Korean for Everyday use”, Seoul, Hollym, 2007.
5. Syllabus
-Introduction of the course: Greetings, Hangeul and Korean language
-Korean Alphabet: Consonants and Vowels, Read simple words
-Greetings and Introducing
-School Life
-Daily Life
-Numbers and Days
-Buying Things
-Weather and Season
6. Zoom Class
-ID: 673 852 4015
-PassWord: hangukeo
-Always Turn on your video (tip: using virtual background)
-setting your name to your student number and name