Continuação da aula anterior. Recalendarização das aulas de acordo com a suspensão temporária devido ao coronavirus

12 Março 2020, 16:00 José Alberto Olivença Duarte

Continuação da aula anterior. Recalendarização das aulas de acordo com a suspensão temporária devido ao coronavirus. Foi desenvolvido trabalho com os alunos em que foi explicado o funcionamento das aulas mediante as novas circunstâncias. Foram apresentadas alternativas de trabalho, marcadas datas de provas e de entrega de trabalhos por via online. Ficou também definido os próximos passos a dar nos dias das aulas, bem como a matéria a desenvolver. 
Eis o que ficou decidir (escrito em língua inglesa por causa dos alunos erasmus):

Until  March 26 you should hand in the essay plan by email. I will correct it and get back to you as soon as possible. We work on a first come first serve basis and  I will not allow for different groups to analyse the same film. Finally, for those who fail to hand in the essay plan on due time there will be a  penalization of one point in the final essay. The same goes for the final essay, if you fail to hand it in on the due date, you will be penalized.

The written exam will be done by email. On  April  16, during the time of our class, I will send you an attachment with a question that you are to answer during a period of two hours (which corresponds to the duration of our class). In this case, you can only write a single word page as an answer. That document should be sent to me also by email after the two hours.You can use all materials as well, but please avoid using texts from the internet as you might be tempted to  copy/paste them in which case I will give you  zero as the final mark. The question is going to be very simple and it will be related with everything that we have studied until  Aniki Bobo as well. 
I will also be sending some emails with suggestions for you to read and films watch when possible. 
If we do not have more classes, you should hand in the final essay during  May 5 until  6 pm.
In any case,  if you fail to hand in the assignments you will be penalized.  

Due to the new circumstances, final assessment will be as follows: written exam (50%) + final essay (50%). However, in cases where students' participation  in class has been frequent it will be taken into consideration for the final mark.