Looking at photographs and paintings using compositional interpretation

3 Março 2020, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

  • Using Gillian Rose's chapter "The good eye: looking at pictures using compositional interpretation" as a basis for the analysis of photographs and paintings.
  • Discussion on the effect of images on  the viewer.
For next class: 

1.     Read “Visual narratives”, pp. 81-104 and “Narrative”, pp. 96-113

2.     Identify elements of narrative.

3.     Illustrate narrative features in two or three photographs of your choice.

4.     Rearrange and regroup a set of 5 or 6 images. Observe how, with a different arrangement, the images can convey a variety of narratives

5.      Reflect on the role of captions and/or text in visual narratives