Reading Assignment and Research Project: Instructions and Guidelines

17 Março 2020, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Instructions and guidelines regarding the Reading Assignment and Research Project,  sent to all students by email on 17 March, are as follows:

1. Reading Assignments (40%)

As I had already explained in class, and clarified in the document titled  "Assessment Criteria" available in e-learning, you may either do the Reading Assignment or the Research Project. If you choose to do the Reading Assignment, you will have to tell me today which chapter you are working on. 

The Reading Assignment is to be done in the form of an essay (of between 1000-1300 words) and sent to me, as a word document, by email by 2 April

These are the guidelines I had already provided, but please refer to pp. 18-19 for further help:

Select ONE of the theoretical texts we have worked with and:

1.    Summarise the text in your own words;

2.    Discuss the question(s) the chapter may raise for you;

3.    Apply the key ideas and concepts in the chapter to the analysis of an image or images (you may also draw on other ideas and concepts discussed in other texts).

4. Include a Reference List at the end of your essay (see guidelines on pp. 11-15 for compiling a Reference List).

The Reading Assignment is to be word-processed. Use 1,5 spacing and Verdana/Calibri/ Trebuchet font.


2. Research Projects (40%)

Alternatively, you may do the Research Project.

Although I encourage you to do the RP with a partner, in light of the current circumstances, you may do it on your own.

However, you are all skilled at networking and I am sure you can find ways of working remotely with a partner using whatever tools you are more comfortable with (Skype, Face Time, etc. )

The quarantine we are now experiencing is challenging, but we can reinvent ourselves and be creative. Ideally, I would like you to produce a video, as we do not yet know how long the quarantine is going to last. Worst case scenario, if it is​ extended beyond 9 April, it would make things easier for all of us if you had a video that you could send me.

If you are unable to produce a video, then work with alternative tools like Power Point.

The Research Project Proposal is to be sent to me by 9 am on Thursday, 19 March (see the guidelines on p. 20, as well as the Sample I have uploaded in e-learning). 

I will provide feedback during our class time (from 10h-12h) on Thursday.