Responding to Images in the class' shared folder in Google Drive

26 Março 2020, 10:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

I have created a shared folder in Google Drive and sent students an invitation to  access the document titled "Responding to Images". If you have not received the invitation, then you may access the folder via this link:

Start by responding to the quote, questions and  image I have uploaded.

“To willfully look at an image, or not to look is sometimes a choice. More often, though, we respond to the power of the image and its maker to get us to look, or to force us to look away”. Sturken & Cartwright (2018:13)

Bearing in mind the quote above, discuss the cover of Time Magazine posted in the shared document. 

What makes you look at it/away? What kind of emotions and response does the image produce? What is the power of the image? Would you say the image contains a narrative?