Exploration of key concepts to the study of visual culture: Culture, vision, visuality, representation, ways of seeing

2 Outubro 2020, 14:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

For next class

1.     Read the chapter “Images, Power and Politics”, pp. 13-29 (up to “Myth, Connotation and the Meaning of Images”, and:

                         i.         consider what the authors mean by “practices of looking”;

                        ii.         examine the relationships of power involved in looking;

                       iii.         reflect on how/why images are invested with power;

                       iv.         discuss the role of citizen journalism photography and the questions this form of journalism raises;

                        v.         reflect on (un)ethical photographic practices;

                       vi.         examine how power is enacted through visual means;

                      vii.         illustrate the concepts of representation, visuality and countervisuality.

                    viii.         discuss the processes that that are involved in the construction of meaning, and what is meant by the myth of photographic truth.

2.     Bring one or more images to class that illustrate the theories presented in the chapter (you may also discuss the images presented in the chapter).