Unidade Curricular | Course Unit

Elementos para a História da Música dos Séculos XX e XXI/ Elements for the  History of Music of the XX-XXI centuries


Código da Unidade Curricular | Course ID



ECTS | Credits



Ciclo de Estudos | Level



Semestre | Semester



Docente(s) | Instructor(s)

Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim


Língua de ensino | Language of instruction

Inglês / English


Programa (na língua de ensino) | Course description (in language of instruction)

After introducing some elementary building blocks of music (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony), we will problematize the concept and perception of ‘music’ in terms of ideology, noise/dissonance, cultural bias, etc. We will then, by using texts, listening to music and analyzing videos, trace the evolution of Western music (with a special focus on the USA) from the early 20th century till today, observing the genres, technological advances and styles that defined certain decades. We will pay particular attention to how tradition morphed into new directions and how musical ideas overlapped through the inventiveness and disruption of vanguard artists. We will consistently discuss the intersections, oppositions, and crossovers between classical and popular music.


Avaliação (na língua de ensino) | Grading and Assessment (in language of instruction)

Midterm Listening Quiz: 40%

Final Test: 40%

Active Attendance: 20%


Bibliografia (selection) | Readings (selection)

Ross, Alex. The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century. HarperCollins, 2007.

Crawford, Richard. America’s Musical Life: A History. Norton, 2001.

Wright, Craig. Listening to Music. Cengage Learning, 2017.

Byrne, David. How Music Works. McSweeney’s, 2012.

Auner, Joseph. Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Norton, 2013.