
The Issue of Philosophy and Religion: Nasir Khusrus

28 Novembro 2023, 17:00 Nuha Alshaar

We discussed the question of reason versus revelation in the philosophy of Nasir Khusru. 

The Question of Reason and Revelation in Ibn Rushd's writing

23 Novembro 2023, 17:00 Nuha Alshaar

Ibn Rushd, reason and Revelation, the incoherence of the incoherence, and the harmony between religion , wisdom and philosophy. 

Contemporary Islamic thought

21 Novembro 2023, 17:00 Nuha Alshaar

Muḥammad Arkoun and Muhammad Iqbāl (d. 1938): The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. 

The Main Philosophical Themes of the Ismaīlīs

16 Novembro 2023, 17:00 Nuha Alshaar

Ismailis and the concept of creation, the order of the universe;  Ismailis and Neoplatonism. 

Ibn Sina

14 Novembro 2023, 17:00 Nuha Alshaar

Introduction to the philosophy of Ibn Sina, metaphysics and his influence by al-Farabi