
Discussion of Final Work. Debate on the Annexation of Texas. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism.

15 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

The Legacy of Manifest Destiny (cont.)

Instructions for final paper :
Debate on the annexation of Texas (Mexican-American War).
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcedentalism. Introduction to "The American Scholar" (1837).

The Jackson Era (cont.). John O'Sullivan, "The Great Nation of Futurity" (1839)

12 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Labor politics, industrial growth, financial crisis of 1837.

New religions (Joseph Smith).
The Trail of Tears and James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans (preface).
The notion of "Manifest Destiny": 
Oral presentation on John O'Sullivan's "The Great Nation of Futuriy" (1836).

From Marshall (The Era of Good Feelings) to the Jackson Era.

8 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

 Marshall and the Supreme Court (Madison vs. Marbury); 

Louisiana´s purchase.
The War of 1812.Chronology - from Jefferson to Monroe, and the Monroe Doctrine: friendship of Jefferson and Abbé Correia da Serra (oral presentation).
Chronology - from Monroe to Jackson:
lAndrew Jackson and Populism:
James Fenimore Cooper and the Indian Removal Act (1830).

The Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers.

5 Novembro 2019, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

 Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson’s Democracy. 

The Founding Fathers:
The Public Debt issue.
The Federalist Papers.
Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans and the First Party System: 
George Washington's Farewell Address (1796).  

War of Independence and Internal Civil War.

29 Outubro 2019, 14:00 Margarida Vale de Gato

Loyalists and Patriots and the Treaty of Paris (1783).

From the Articles of Confederation (1781) to the Constitution Convention (1787).Focus group work: