6 Maio 2020, 16:00 Ana Cristina Ferreira Mendes

Written test.


INFORMATION FOR THE FINAL EXAM (Exame da época final de avaliação final alternativa do segundo semestre)


  • The content that is being focused on the exam and the learning goals the exam is measuring can be found in the course’s syllabus and in the PowerPoint presentations (see our shared Dropbox folder). 
  • The exam consists of two essay-like comments in response to quotes taken from our course readings (word limit: 750 w per comment/question; 1500 w max in total).
  • You can use your course anthology, course notes, and additional bibliography. The sources should be listed either at the end of the document or following each comment.

  • You are required to check-in for a Zoom meeting at 4 pm on the day of the exam (June 1). The link to join the meeting is in the invitation below.
  • The exam (a pdf document) will be accessed via a link dropped into the Zoom chat. There is a 3-hour time frame allotted for the exam. You will have until 7 pm to return the exam (as a Word document) via e-mail to anafmendes@campus.ul.pt

Topic: FINAL EXAM - HCI - SÉCS. XIX-XX (TP1)Time: Jun 1, 2020 04:00 PM Lisbon 
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93412469994?pwd=V0hWYzVOMU9qblVTcWtWQ0ZLRzdaUT09    Password: 188131 Or iPhone one-tap:  211202618,93412469994# or 308804188,93412469994#
Meeting ID: 934 1246 9994