Aula 6

13 Fevereiro 2019, 14:00 Ana Cristina Ferreira Mendes

Eminent Victorians. Análise dos textos:

1."Of Queens' Gardens" (1865) de John Ruskin; 2. “The Queen at Home” (1894) de G.H.P.; 3.Excerto de Queen Victoria (“Old Age: IV”) (1921) de Lytton Strachey; 4.“The Art of Biography" (1939) de Virginia  Woolf. 5.Tenniel, “The Queen with Two Heads,” Punch (1 April 1876) (; 6.Tenniel, “New Crowns for Old Ones,” Punch (15 April 1876) (; Tenniel, “Empress and Earl; or, One Good Turn Deserves Another,” Punch (28 August 1876) (