
5 Março 2020, 12:00 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

From Restoration (1660) to constitutional monarchy.

The aftermath of Cromwell's death and the decisions on the political model: the restoration of monarchy with limited powers. The conversations with Prince Charles Stuart and the signing of Declaration of Breda.Charles II and the relationship between royal power and parliament. Charles' "Merry England": the end of the puritan way of life and the opening of theatres and public entertainment in general. The patronage of the arts and sciences, especially the Royal Society of London.The Great fire of 1666 and the opportunity of recreating part of the capital in neoclassic style.
The Exclusion Bill and its consequences after Charles' demise. The enthronement of the Catholic James Stuart and his attempt to turn to Catholicism. The reaction of parliament and the conversations with William of Orange and his wife, Mary Stuart. The signing of the Bill of Rights and the constitutional monarchy.