The gender question zoom session

16 Abril 2020, 12:00 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Gender ideology in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.The then current perspective on women's place and role in society justified by the teachings of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, the Book of Genesis: Eve the frail, easily tempted woman, but simultaneously the temptress. The impact of Greek knowledge on biology and the notion of woman's passive role in procriation.The impact of the economic factor on gender ideology, mainly on middle and high class families. the forging of the spheres theory - the private sphere for women; the public sphere for men. The control of wealth by men; the masculine participation  on public, political affairs.Opportunities for professional carriers for women, or the lack thereof. The importance of female education to contest the  status quo.Reference to some women who wrote against the dominant views: Christine de Pizan, late fifteenth century; Mary Astell, seventeenth century.Distinct educational solutions in Catholic and protestant countries and the opportunities they presented.