zoom session: The French Revolution

7 Abril 2020, 12:00 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The French Revolution. 

Its political and economic and social causes: 

The political and social structure in France: the three orders [états] -  clergy, nobility [1ier et 2nd états]; and the people (3ième état) and the absence of the latter's political representation.  
The poor conditions of the labouring classes due to bad agricultural years and an unbalanced fiscal system.
The failure of fiscal reforms in consequence of the political hierarchical distrivution of power. 
The gap between the royal house and the people as illustrated by the palace of Versailles.

The break of the conflict. the storming of the Bastille, July 14, 1789 as a symbolicand down-to-earth manoeuvre: the surge of the "sans cullotes" to take the weaponry and the liberation of the political prisoners.. 
The motto of the Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, 1789: analysis of some of its most significant articles.
The establishment of the New Régime.
The struggle for power: Jacobines and Girondines, The period of Terror and the rise of Napoleon's absolutist rule.

Paine's praise of the Revolution in  Rights of Man . The emphasis on natural and social rights and the importance of the constitution as the basis of a legitmate and representaive government,