
Reading Thomas More’s Utopia

4 Outubro 2023, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Thomas  More creation of a new genre: utopia. The etymology of the word. the defining charactetistics of this kind of fiction. The ambivalent relationship between utopia and context as exemplified by the structure of  More's work: the major problems and challenges of the times -  Book I -  and  possible solutions - Book II.

The socjal and political structure of Utopia and its economy. Education and work as  the keys to a harmonious life.
Utopia's philosophic principles: the notion of pleasure and altruism. Colectivism as a means to lead a comunity to perfection.

Elisabeth's rule

29 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The consolidation of  the Tudors.

Elisabeth's external policy. The diplomatic relationships  and the break of war with Spain - the victory over the Invencible Armada. Exploration of  Elisabeth's speech to the troops at Tilbury in 1588.
Protestant Reformation under Elisabeth I: the building of the Anglican Church with the theological contribution of Thomas Hooker.

Protestant Reformation

27 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The religious schism.

Henry  III and the political context:  externally, the increase in transatlantic commerce and the need to overcome Spanish competition. Internally, the need to consolidate the Tudor dynasty.
The  break of the alliance between Spain and England and  Henry's and Cathetine of Aragon's divorce process. Rome's answer, or lack of it. The religious Protestant alternative.
The three-level severance: the royal coup,eps divorce; the break of Henry VII's alliance; the divide of Christendom.
Insularity, religous and poltical empowerment as tools of national identity.

The Tudors : the centralisation of power and the rise of nationalism

22 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

The rule of Henry VIII' s heirs and their respective impact on the building of Tudor England.

Edward VI and the affirmation of the Protestant church in England. The new Prayer Book and the  changes in ritual and dogma.The abollition of  the religious orders in England and the confiscation of their property.
Mary Tudor's rule: the attempt to reverse the Reformation with the persecution of protestant believers. Her  marriage with Philip of Spain and its economic and social impact.  

The Renaissance religious debate

20 Setembro 2023, 12:30 Adelaide Victória Pereira Grandela Meira Serras

Martin Luther's  95 theses. The contestation of Rome's decisions on the indulgencesp concession; the questioning of  ecclesiastical  hierarchy and the defense of a simpler, agricultural-based way of living.

John Calvin's theory of predestination and its impact on the urban, entrepreneurial way of living that was emerging.