Translating the Bible

21 Outubro 2020, 17:00 Zsófia Gombár

Translators and the invention of alphabet:

Andreia Mourão: Ulfilas

Jona Bastos: Mesrop Mashtots

Jéssica Martins: Cyril and Methodius


The Septuagint

Ricardo Castelo Cadeireiro: Anonymous (‘Aristeas’). “The Work of the Seventy-Two”


The presentations were followed by group discussions on the subject.


Webisode: Septuagint: Origins, Impact, and Resources

We watched a short video by Andrew Perry on the modern approaches to the Septuagint and its translations.

The in-class presentation of the film was followed by class feedback and reflections on modern-day interpretations of the Septuagint.