Introdução Hinduísmo

28 Outubro 2020, 12:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David


  • Mitter, Partha (2001) Indian Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 5-82.
  • [Jansen, Eva Rudy (1993) The book of Hindu imagery: gods, manifestations and their meaning. Diever, Holland: Binkey Kok Publications.]
  • [Schumann, Hans Wolfgang (Pedro Piedras) (2007) Las imágenes del budismo: diccionario iconográfico del budismo Mahãyãna y Tantrayãna. Serie Historia de las religiones. Madrid: Abada.]
[cf. Elgood, Heather. 2000.  Hinduism and the religious arts. London: Cassell.]