Groups for research project / M. McLuhan

15 Março 2017, 12:00 Diana Vieira de Campos Almeida

Definition of the groups and work topics for the research project. Deadline for setting groups is March 20.
Suggestion of reading / working topics for the essay on The Medium is the Massage.

Analysis of an excerpt of the audio recording of The Medium is the Massage in dialogue with the book. 

Postmodern parody and self reflexivity as means to render the environment visible vs. naturalization processes. Print technology (linearity) vs. radio, TV and media based on the integrated circuit. From the homogenous public to the potentially differentiated mass audience of the "global village." Political potentialities of the new media.

McLuhan, Marshall, Quentin Fiore; Co-coordinated by Jerome Agel. The Medium is the Massage (1967)    

Audio recording of The Medium is the Massage