Unidade Curricular | Course Unit

Indústrias da Cultura nos EUA / Culture Industries in the USA


Código da Unidade Curricular | Course ID



ECTS | Credits



Ciclo de Estudos | Level



Semestre | Semester



Docente(s) | Instructor(s)

Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim


Língua de ensino | Language of instruction

Inglês / English


Programa (na língua de ensino) | Course description (in language of instruction)

After introducing some founding texts (‘Frankfurt School’ and key influences) and groundwork concepts (reproduction, capitalism, cultural commodities, mass culture, ‘media’), we will traverse the modern age, starting with early 20th-century ‘legacy media’ and working our way up to the contemporary digital era. We will focus, one by one, on specific American cultural industries and how they have transformed Western society: the press, radio, film, advertising, television, literature, music and streaming, comics, digital platforms and AI-generated art. We will discuss such topics as how Western society is enmeshed in capitalist structures of meaning; how American cultural commodities have created and affect our value systems: ideologies and representations of cultural identity (gender, class, patriotism, etc.); the differences between popular, high, and mass culture; etc. The course will also include a brief workshop on semiotics, providing students with practical tools to critically interpret American advertising, promotional and propaganda materials.


Avaliação (na língua de ensino) | Grading and Assessment (in language of instruction)

Open-book Test: 30%

Part I)   Critically comment a quote, contextualizing it in relation to course materials

Part II)  Semiotic analysis of one or more images or ‘texts’


Research Project: total 50%

An online repertoire of sources and materials, which I will periodically update, will be made available in the ONB [‘Online Book’ = Google Classroom and moodle] to help students enrichen their research within a shared corpus for the class.

For their research project, students will either:

  1. Critically discuss a ‘case study’ of cultural commodification within a specific culture industry
  2. Compare and contrast two smaller ‘case studies’, either within a specific culture industry or across two industries

The research project is comprised of 3 moments:

  1. Abstract (5%): 200-word paragraph succinctly clarifying what you intend to investigate in your Essay and how you intend to carry out your investigation (i.e., aims and methodology) + an annotated bibliography of sources you intend to use (full instructions in ONB). Students who do not submit an abstract will not be able to submit the final essay.
  2. Essay (30%): 1,600 to 1,800-word original research essay.
  3. OP - Oral Presentation (15%): 10-minute oral presentation on the subject matter of the written essay, followed by a class discussion.


Active Attendance (20%), includes:

(7.5%) - Attendance and participation: constructive, critical discussions in class of prescribed reading and class materials; relevant input in colleagues’ oral presentation follow-up discussions. Attendance without participation is not sufficient.

(5%) - ONB activities: min. 1 critical analysis of about 200 words on a material posted by professor; participation in class online forum by posting at least 1 relevant material and providing critical feedback on at least 1 colleague’s post.

(7.5%) – 'The Challenge': At the end of certain classes, a practical challenge on a topic discussed during that class will be assigned to a small group of about 3 students (typically of volunteers interested in the topic) for presentation and follow-up discussion the next week. The group must carry out some research on the topic, which will focus on a specific culture industry, and deliver a brief 10min presentation of their findings to the class. These short assignments will also serve as hands-on preparation for the research project.

Submissions: If you submit work to be marked after the deadline, 1 mark will be deducted for each day the work is late. If you submit your work more than 5 days late, your work will not be marked and it will be graded as zero. Assignments must be printed double-spaced and delivered in class AND uploaded to moodle.


Bibliografia (selection) | Readings (selection)

Course materials included in “Student’s Course Book”, to be acquired at the ‘Reprografia Vermelha’ photocopy store (basement of main building)

Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Prism Key Press, 1936. EPUB.

Hesmondhalgh, David. The Cultural Industries. 4th. SAGE, 2018.

Horkheimer, Max and Theodor W. Adorno. "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception." Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. 1944. Continuum, 1969.

Oakley, Kate and Justin O'Connor. The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. Routledge, 2015.

Poell, Thomas, David B. Nieborg and Brooke Erin Duffy. Platforms and Cultural Production. Polity Press, 2022.