
Mega-cidades na Ásia Oriental

28 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • Jean Gottmann - mega-cidade
  • Mega-cidades na Ásia (2018)
  • Distribuição populacional e mega-cidade
  • Beijing
  • Tokyo
Huynh, Du. 2020. Making Megacities in Asia: Comparing National Economic Development Trajectories. Singapore : Springer Singapore, Imprint Springer.  
Institute for Mobility Research. 2013. Megacity mobility culture: how cities move on in a diverse world. Berlin: Springer.
Kikuchi, Toshio, and Toshihiko Sugai. 2018. Tokyo as a global city: new geographical perspectives. Springer EBooks.
Lin, Chusheng, Fiona F. Yang, and Anthony G. O. Yeh. 2021. Mega-city region development in China. London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Screech, Timon. 2020. Tokyo before Tokyo power and magic in the Shogun's City of Edo. London: Reaktion Books 
Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman. 1981. Imperial architecture under Mongolian patronage: Khubilai's imperial city of Daidu. Ph. D. Harvard University 1981 Department of Fine Arts.

Ásia e gestão dos recursos hídricos: o caso da República Popular da China

23 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

  • O caso da República Popular da China
  • Anfengtang 安豐塘 - a sua importância na história da China
  • As barragens de Xiaolangdi (Henan) e Ertan (Sichuan)
  • Conceito de "China Propriamente dita" (China proper)
Crowell, William Gordon. “Tradition and History: Quebei, Sunshu Ao, and The Persistence of a Narrative.” Asia Major, vol. 27, no. 1, Academia Sinica, 2014, pp. 33–71.Winterbotham, William. 1796. An historical, geographical and philosophical view of the Chinese Empire comprehending a description of the fifteen provinces of China, Chinese Tartary; tributary states; natural history of China; government, religion, laws, manners and customs, literature, arts, sciences, manufactures, etc. S.l: London printed: Philadelphia, re-printed for Richard Lee. Dunning, Hyer, and Palmer, printers. Loewe, Michael; Shaughnessy, Edward L. (1999), The Cambridge history of ancient China: from the origins of civilization to 221 B.C., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 
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Tilt, Bryan - Dams and Development in China _ The Moral Economy of Water and Power-Columbia University Press, 2015.

Harm Jan de Blij, (1935-2014) e a Ásia: reinos, regiões, desterritorialização e ciberespaço.

21 Novembro 2023, 09:30 Elisabetta Colla Rosado Coelho David

Antrim, Zayde. 2018. Mapping the Middle East. London: Reaktion Books.
De Blij, Harm J. 2020. The power of place: geography, destiny, and globalization's rough landscape. .
Meier, Daniel. 2020. Bordering the Middle East. London: Routledge.
Nijman, Jan, Peter O. Muller, Harm J. De Blij, Ann-Margaret Esnard, Richard Grant, and Michael E. Shin. 2017. Geography: realms, regions, and concepts. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Identidade e Política Linguísticas IV

16 Novembro 2023, 09:30 António Eduardo Hawthorne Barrento

Identidade e Política Linguísticas em Hong Kong, Macau e Taiwan.

Identidade e Política Linguísticas III

14 Novembro 2023, 09:30 António Eduardo Hawthorne Barrento

Identidade e Política Linguísticas na China.