
film version of "Educating Rita"

11 Abril 2016, 14:00 John Richard Walker

watching the film version of "Educating Rita", screenplay also by Wiully Russell

Unit 5 Plan B

6 Abril 2016, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Organising essays using Plan B

Excerpt from "Julius Caesar" (1953 film version directed by Joseph L. Manciewicz)

observing rhetorical techniques available when using the plan B refutation approach.

planning an essay on "Educating Rita" by Will Russell using Plan B

ATENÇÃO: também houve aula no dia 04.04.2016, com a presença de 43 estudantes. O tema foi "planning an essay on "Educating Rita" by Willy Russell, using Plan A

Unit 5 whole text Plan B

4 Abril 2016, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Unit 5: planning the whole text

Plan B: the concept of refutation

Watching the 1953 version of Julius Caesar by Joseph L. Manciewicz (excerpt) to observe whow refutation works

Planning an essay on "Educating Rita", by Willy Russell, using Plan B organisation

active practice of Plan A essay organisation

30 Março 2016, 14:00 John Richard Walker

Planning an essay on the play "Educating Rita", by Willy Russell, making use of the essay organisation technique Plan A (see Unit 5 of the coursebook).

The esaay we planned can be found on page 66 of the coursebook (first essay on "Educating Rita") 

não houve aula

28 Março 2016, 14:00 John Richard Walker

justificação dafalta apresentada ao serviço de pessoal