paragraphs 2
10 Outubro 2017, 14:00 • John Richard Walker
Unit 3: Further practice with sentences and paragraphs
Unit 4: Connecting the sentences of the paragraph logically by using discourse markers (introduction)
paragraphs 2
10 Outubro 2017, 10:00 • John Richard Walker
Unit 3: Further practice with sentences and paragraphs
Unit 4: Connecting the sentences of the paragraph logically by using discourse markers (introduction)
paragraphs 1
3 Outubro 2017, 14:00 • John Richard Walker
Unit 3: re-organising the information inside the paragraphs of a text so that each paragraph contains thoughts related to a single idea.
Active practice of paragraph writing.
A paragraph contains a single idea made up of several sentences, which correpsond to the component thoughts of the idea.
paragraphs 1
3 Outubro 2017, 10:00 • John Richard Walker
Unit 3: re-organising the information inside the paragraphs of a text so that each paragraph contains thoughts related to a single idea.
Active practice of paragraph writing.
A paragraph contains a single idea made up of several sentences, which correpsond to the component thoughts of the idea.
pluralism 3
28 Setembro 2017, 14:00 • John Richard Walker
Unit 2: active practice of creating a unit of text in which we state a point, develop it by explaining and justify it with reference to a credible source.
Unit 3: introduction to the principles of paragraphs and sentences