
Test 1

7 Março 2024, 11:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

Test 1 - Listening to a lecture and writing a summary

Unit 5 Plan B

6 Março 2024, 18:30 John Richard Walker

Plan B and refutation technique

excerpt from "Julius Caesar", by Shakespeare
applying plan B to essay option 2 about "Educating Rita", by Willy Russell

Listening and summary writing

5 Março 2024, 11:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

Students write a summary based on the notes taken from a lecture

Unit 5

4 Março 2024, 18:30 John Richard Walker

Planning an essay on question 3 relating to "Educating Rita", by Willy Russell

Lesson postponed to Saturday 16th March

29 Fevereiro 2024, 11:00 Tânia Joesephine Gregg Lopes da Silva

This lesson focused on revision of the structural components of an academic essay for the test