What If/Twilight Zone pilot pitch

15 Março 2017, 10:00 Bernardo Manzoni Palmeirim

Oral presentations

Groups created the plot for a Twilight Zone episode, starting from a 'What If' premise, and then developing characters and plot dynamics (build up of crises towards climax/twist)

For Monday you must have read "Last" (was already last week's assigned reading) and "Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story" (Banks)

For Wednesday you must read "Tiny, Smililng Daddy" (Gaitskill)
Students whose first name starts with letters 'A' through 'I' must  email me just one or maximum two questions about Gaitskill's short story to ask the class on Wednesday.

You may, for example, ask a question about a character / something you find odd or don't quite understand / the significance or implication of a certain detail (in the phrasing of a sentence or a plot development) / etc.

Deadline for this email is the 21st: Tuesday morning = 9 am. (Of course, feel free to send it any time before then.)