Unidade Curricular | Course Unit
Escrita Criativa / English Creative Writing C2
Código da Unidade Curricular | Course ID
ECTS | Credits
Ciclo de Estudos | Level
Semestre | Semester
Docente(s) | Instructor(s)
Alexis Somerville
Língua de ensino | Language of instruction
Programa (na língua de ensino) | Course description (in language of instruction)
Throughout this course, students will read various texts in English and complete a variety of writing exercises, which will prepare them for writing their own flash fiction (AKA short-short stories). We’ll discuss a selection of short stories and flash fiction and engage with those as well as a variety of other source materials (drafts, music, film, graphic novels). The main goal will be to analyse the usage of different narrative techniques and fictional structures, and then apply them. Students will have to complete not only individual but also group assignments.
Avaliação (na língua de ensino) | Grading and Assessment (in language of instruction)
Assessment will be continuous. Students are expected to attend all classes and to complete readings (and other assignments) prior to the class for which they have been scheduled. Students will also be required to perform a variety of in-class activities (both written and oral). They will work towards the final portfolio throughout the course.
The assessment criteria are as follows:
One written test 15%
Portfolio of flash fiction texts 60%
Oral presentation – rehearsed reading and discussion of writing process 15%
Active attendance 10%
Students should contact me at the earliest opportunity if they cannot attend an exam or make a deadline FOR A MEDICAL REASON. The student’s request should be accompanied or followed by medical evidence or other documentation where appropriate. Lack of advance warning and documentation will result in a zero score.
Plagiarised work will receive a zero score.
Bibliografia (selection) | Readings (selection)
Galef, David. Brevity: A Flash Fiction Handbook. Columbia: Columbia UP, 2016.
Selected articles, book chapters, and short stories will be made available on Moodle (E-Learning). PDFs of any PowerPoints will also be added there after each lesson, and forums will be created in which students will be expected to participate. Students must sign up to the class on Moodle in order to access all of these features.
Extra grammar explanations and exercises can be found here: https://www.myenglishpages.com/english/grammar.php