
Modal verbs; Revision

15 Dezembro 2016, 12:00 Cláudia Rute Canelas Pereira Duarte

Modal verbs: hypothesing

Final exam

15 Dezembro 2016, 08:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Final exam

Speaking Papers continued. Testes returned and feedback given on them.

14 Dezembro 2016, 14:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Speaking Papers continued. Testes returned and feedback given on them.

End of the first semester.REMINDER: There will be an assessment meeting in January. Please check your email box at the beginning of January to find out when this meeting will be held.

Test correction

14 Dezembro 2016, 12:00 Paula Alexandra Carvalho Alves Rodrigues Horta

Final assessment.

Speaking Papers continued. Testes returned and feedback given on them.

14 Dezembro 2016, 10:00 Isabel Maria Ferro Mealha

Speaking Papers continued. Testes returned and feedback given on them.

End of the first semester.
REMINDER: There will be an assessment meeting in January. Please check your email box at the beginning of January to find out when this meeting will be held.