Introducing B1.1 English

14 Fevereiro 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Teaching staff: Hilda Alexandra Eusébio


Learning Objectives:

In B1.1, students will be given ample opportunity to practice their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.  The topics of the homework and in-class exercises/assignments will ensure that students are able to apply these skills to the familiar or everyday situations that one may experience in an English-speaking country or whilst traveling.


By the end of the semester, students should upon completion of the unit be able to:

  • listen: and understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc., including short narratives;

  • speak: and a) exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling; b) enter unprepared into conversation on familiar topics, express personal opinions and exchange information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life;

  • read: a) straightforward factual texts and short pieces of fiction with a satisfactory level of comprehension and b) understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters well enough to reply to correspondence;

  • write: straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within his/her field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence.

Syllabus/Course Content:


  • The present:

    • the present simple; the present continuous; the present perfect; the present perfect continuous.

  • The past:

    • the past simple; the past continuous; the past perfect; the past perfect continuous.

  • The future:

    • the future simple.

  • Prepositions: location, time, directional, positional.

  • Adverbs.

  • Comparatives and superlatives.

  • Connecting words expressing cause and effect, contrast etc.

  • Modals.

  • Anything that comes up in students’ work.


  • reading and learning vocabulary from short texts;

  • listening to and learning vocabulary from audio and film clips;


  • in-class grammar exercises;

  • three homework assignments (two minor, one major).


  • in-class reading;

  • Q&A;

  • individual presentations;

  • two group work presentations;

  • end of semester oral presentation;

  • etc.

Grading Policy and Course Requirements:

In addition to grammar lessons and other in-class activities, students will have 3 individual homework assignments and 2 group work assignments to be done in the classroom. Group work will be presented to the entire class.  Presentations will be recorded.  All written work will be marked by the teacher with a colour key (yellow = incorrect conjugation; blue = incorrect spelling, etc.) and students will have the opportunity to correct their own mistakes in class under supervision.  Finally, 2-3 lessons will be structured around mistakes made by students in their homework assignments and oral presentations.  Written mistakes will be projected onto the screen, oral mistakes will be played on speakers – students will be given the first go at correcting mistakes and explaining these corrections to their peers.


  • Attendance – 5%

  • Completed Homework – 10%

  • Mid-term Test – (Listening – 5%; Written - 15%) – 20%

  • Writing Project – 20%

  • Oral Test – 20%

  • Final Test – 25% (Listening – 5%; Written – 20%)



    All homework must be emailed to me at the address above no later than midnight on the day that the assignment is due.  Work will lose one mark for each day that an assignment is late.  Homework will not be accepted in hard copy.

B1.1 Coursebook

  • The coursebook (livro de curso/antologia) will be available in the Green Photocopy Room (Fotocópias Verde) and will contain all of the texts and in-class exercises that are to be given or carried out during lessons.

 File 12 (Pasta 12):

  • File 12 (Pasta 12) can be found in the Green Photocopy Room. There you can find all of the extra grammar exercises (and respective answer sheets) that you will need to do for homework in order to improve your grammar.


  • This is an excellent site to learn about and practice your grammar and listening skills.

Important Dates:

6th April 2017:  MIDTERM (Listening)

11th April 2017:  MIDTERM (Written)


18th & 23rd May 2017:  STUDENT PRESENTATIONS (oral exams)


1st June 2017:  FINAL EXAM