6 Abril 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students carried out their mid-term listening test.

Following this students were given important information regarding their:

  • Major Writing Project
  • Oral Presentation

The Major Writing Project

•Writing project

  • 20% of your final mark
  • due 9th May
  • Your writing project can be one of the following:
    • A biography or autobiography
    • A letter to someone (this can be purely fictional).
    • A diary/journal entry
    • A blog entry
    • A short story

  • If you wish your written project to be something else, please come and discuss your idea with me first before you begin your project.
  • Your writing project should be a minimum of 400 and a maximum of 550 words.
  • If you need support with your assignment, please let me know and we can book a tutorial.

The Oral Presentation

•Oral presentations are worth 20% of your final grade.

•You must speak for a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 8 minutes.

•The presentation will be on a topic of your choice.

•You can do the presentation on your own or in a group but each person must speak a minimum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 8.

•Please inform me of your date and topic as soon as possible.

•You may use visual aids such as the whiteboard (I can give you a marker) or use a PowerPoint to make your presentation more interesting.

•You can use video or audio clips in your presentation but these do not count towards your 4 minute minimum yet must be within the 8 minute maximum.

Do not repeat last year’s presentation and do not plagiarize.

Do not read your presentation - this will result in a 0.

Do not memorize your presentation word for word - this will result in a 0.

•Students may be asked questions at the end of their presentation - if asked questions by the teacher or by other students, try to answer these in long answers and avoid 1-2 word answers.

•Your notes may be requested at the end of the exam - if this happens, you must hand them over to the teacher.