Writing Workshop

16 Maio 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today TP7 carried out a Writing Workshop.

The exercises were:

1.  Free Writing

  • For the next five minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
  • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
  • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
    • It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
  • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing.
  • You can write about anything.
  • What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
  • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
  • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.

2. Free Writing with Focus

  • For the next seven minutes, you will have to write non-stop.
  • You must not take your pen off the paper and you must not stop writing until the bell goes off.
  • When you don’t know what to write, just keep writing the last word you wrote over and over again until new words or sentences come to mind.
    • It doesn’t matter how often you write the word over and over again.
  • If you make a mistake, don’t scratch it out – keep writing.
  • You will take a sentence or section of the previous text and write another text inspired by that extract.
  • What you write about doesn’t have to make sense – it can be abstract.
  • No one will see this writing – it is just for you.
  • There is no right or wrong in this exercise – it is just for you.

3. Focused Writing

  • You have 20 minutes to write a:
    • short story OR
    • diary entry OR
    • memoir OR
    • letter OR
    • abstract piece
  • …based on one or more of 8 images provided.

  • Students can ask the teacher questions regarding vocabular, spelling, anything...

4. Free Writing to Music (Mozart's Lacrimosa)

  • Finally…

  • Write a piece to this piece of music.
  • It can be anything:
    • A piece of abstract writing;
    • A poem;
    • A short story;
    • A (love or hate) letter;
    • Etc….
  • No one is going to see it – but you can always share it!
  • You have the duration of the piece to write it - but it will be played twice!