Presentation of program

7 Outubro 2021, 08:00 Cecília Maria Beecher Martins

Presentation of program, Students also presented themselves and spoke a little about their educational background and home towns.

Grading and assessment:  A student-centred approach with a task-based methodology will be used. Therefore, there will be multi moments of evaluation all of which will be annotated in the calendar

Final Written Test: 40%

Two written in-class assignments: 20% (10% each)

Speaking Test: 20%

Attendance, course work and participation: 20%

Pre-requirement for enrolment: All students in this Curricular Unit must have been placed in the B1.1 level by a FLUL Placement Test.

Objectives: At the end of this UC, students will be expected to understand the main points of clear, standard input on familiar matters. They will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the English language is spoken in simple but appropriately connected speech on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. They will also be able to produce simple written texts in English that demonstrate their knowledge of English sentence structures, correct subject-verb agreement, as well as punctuation and capitalization rules.

Programme: While following the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) guideline for Academic English at a B1.1 level, the requirements and expectations of language learning at a School of Arts and Humanities have also been taken into considered in the construction of the course programme.

In terms of reading and writing skills, students will analyse and discuss a variety of short, level-appropriate biographical and flash fiction texts to gain awareness of correct linguistic structures (e.g., sentence structure, verb tense progression, prepositions, appropriate use of adjectives) in use.  

Following the discussion if these exemplifying texts, they will be introduced to innovative writing techniques such as reflective writing and free writing to develop confidence and fluency in writing before moving on to produce their own short written texts.

Students will also be provided with a series of self-study exercises that cover the major grammatical points of this CU and lessons/tutorials will be dedicated to these when necessary.

In terms of listening and speaking skills, students will first be introduced to phonetic pronunciation in English using the methods and audio materials presented by Ann Baker in Ship or Sheep? (2007) and other audio and video resources. They will then follow the procedures used in the Cambridge English B1 Academic Speaking Examination to further develop their speaking, listening and discussion skills.