Speaking Workshop Part 2

4 Dezembro 2019, 16:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Today, TP2 carried out Part 2 of the Speaking Workshop.

Exercise 4: Alibi

  • Last Friday night, between the hourse of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., someone broke into the bank on Avenida Almirante Reis.
  • ___, ___, ___ and ___ were seen near the scene of the crime, and the police would like to question them.
  • The Suspects go outside or to another room to prepare their story. They need to decide all of the details about where they were during the time of the crime. For example: If they were at a restaurant, what did they eat? What did it cost? Who arrived first?
  • The Police spend some time preparing their questions.
  • The Suspects are called back in and go individually to each police group. They’re questioned for a few minutes, and then each one moves on to the next group.
  • The Police decide whether their answers match enough for them to have a reasonable Alibi. (Maybe up to 5 mistakes is reasonable.)

Exercise 5: Running Dictation

  • The running students run (or power-walk) to their assigned texts, read, remember as much as they can and then return to dictate the text to the writing student. Then they run again. The first pair to finish writing the complete, correct texts wins.
  • Be careful that you do not:
    • use their phone cameras to “remember” the text.
    • write if you are a “running” student— you can spell words out and tell your partner when they’re wrong.
    • go and look at the text if you are a “writing” student (or let “running” students bring the text to you).

Next class: students will being to presente their orals!