Oral Presentations (1)/ Listening: Climate Crisis

4 Dezembro 2019, 12:00 Zsófia Gombár

1) Speaking: Oral presentations of today:

Ana Teixeira: The Guardian Angel’s Journal by Carolyn Jess-Cooke

Guilherme Valente: “Blind Leading the Blind” by Mumford and Sons (Music)



Leonor Carvalho: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

The presentations were followed by free discussion and exchange of views among Sts. Each St asked at least one question from the presenter.

2) Pre-Listening exercise. Vocabulary. Pair work activity: Sts used a monolingual dictionary to check the meaning of the unknown words.

3) Listening: Sts watched a video on climate change, and answered the following questions: What causes climate change? Why is climate change a problem? What can we do to prevent it?


4) Post-Listening Exercise: Pair work activity: Multiple Choice Listening Comprehension


Sts have to send the summaries of their presentation 2 days before their presentation date (!). All Sts will have to ask at least one question from the presenter.