Presentation #2

3 Outubro 2018, 14:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

And the words are… For this mini-presentation I would like you to look up five of your favorite English words online (use a good dictionary, i.e. etymology or other). Once you have chosen your five words: 1) Tell us what these words mean to you. 2) Look up each word and see how it has evolved through time. Consider these questions: a. When was the word first introduced into the dictionary? b. Does the word have several senses/meanings? c. How has the meaning changed over the centuries? Is it possible to see a transition through time from an early meaning to a later one? In other words, can you see how one sense is connected to another? Or in some cases do words coin new definitions that are apparently unrelated? d. Remember that definitions depend on usage, and usage depends on context. 3) Present your findings, including examples that you may deem necessary.