Listening, Speaking, In-Class Writing

16 Outubro 2017, 12:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

Students started off with the listenging exercise (Listening: Accommodation).  Those who didn't attend class should do this exercise at home in preparation for the (quickly) upcoming mid-term listening test:

Students then went on to do the following speaking exercise:

B1.1 Speaking: Your Worst House-share/Flat-share experience

Get into groups of three and share with the group your worst house-share/flat-share experiences.  If you’ve never shared a house with anyone, describe the challenging aspects of sharing a home with your family or your partner.

Students then went on to do the following in-class writing exercise:

B1.1 In-class Writing: Your Best House-share/Flat-share experience

Write a short piece (half a page of A4 or a full page of A5) describing the best house-share/flat-share experience of your life.  If you’ve never shared a house or flat with anyone, describe the best memories you have of sharing a home with your family or partner.

The teacher marked most the assignments of those who finished it in class.  Those whose assignments were not marked MUST bring them to next class so that the teacher can mark them.  Those students who did not finish the exercise in class MUST bring their assignment completed to next class so that the teacher can mark it next class.

Next class:

  • complete the in-class writing exercise
  • start next topic (Reading: Free Time).

Please note: the teacher was sick like a dog at the weekend and did not mark any of the homework assignments.  These will be handed back next week (Monday 23rd October).