
4 Dezembro 2017, 10:00 Rui Vitorino Azevedo

Historical events:

For this presentation I would like you to choose a life-changing event/news story that has captivated the world.

Here are some possibilities:

- Brexit

- Chernobyl

- LA riots

- Same-sex marriage

- September 11th

- Syrian Refugee Crisis

- The 2016 US Election

- The Berlin Wall

- The Great Depression

- The Titanic

- Women’s March on Washington

If none of these entice you, then consider talking about the most important historical event of your lifetime.

While preparing your presentation try to consider some of the following:  

- Give some history and discuss the significance of the event

- Can you include all the senses into your presentation? What can the audience hear, see or feel? In other words, how will your presentation impact your audience?

- Why do you think this is a life-changing event?

- Is there anything new that you can present on this topic?

- Was this news story a shock to the world?