Reading, Listening and Speaking...

19 Março 2018, 08:00 Hilda Alexandra Prazeres Eusebio

TP4 re-read the B1 Reading: Accommodation text and answered the questions.  We then checked the answers on:

TP4 then listened to the following audio recording (B1.1 Listening: Accommodation) and answered all related questions:

Following this, students did the following speaking exercise:

  • B1.1 Speaking: Your Worst House-share/Flat-share experience

    Get into groups of three and share with the group your worst house-share/flat-share experiences.  If you’ve never shared a house with anyone, describe the challenging aspects of sharing a home with your family or your partner.

Next class

  • Students will be feeding back to the class what they learned about their partners' worst hourse-share experience;
  • Students will be doing their first in-class writing assignment.